"The less descriptive the photo, the more stimulating it is for the imagination. The less information, the more suggestion. The less prose, the more poetry." -- Ernst Haas
"touches" is a collection of abstract expressionist images. All of them have their origin in pictures I took with my camera. But after that first step the real work begins - the time consuming, often frustrating artistic treatment and transcendence of pictures into works of art.
My images are often difficult. It takes time to look at them - until you begin to see. They grow on you. That's exactly how I want it. I want to give you something to think about. Let my images sink in. They will open new ways of comprehension of what really matters.
If you wonder where the titles come from - I have plucked them from sonnets (love poems) by William Shakespeare.
If you would like to acquire the album "TOUCHES" with all 40 images please follow this link to Amazon.
Please click on the pictures to learn more.